

School Year 2024-2025

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential part of your child’s success in school. Homework is an opportunity for your child to practice the skill(s) that were taught during the school day. It is also, an opportunity for parents and teachers to assess the capabilities of a child. It is important that a homework “routine” be established. Homework should be done in a quiet location at the same time each day so that the homework routine is successful. Please keep the following in mind:

  • homework is to be completed by scholars with as much independence as possible.
  • parents may provide assistance, but the work should primarily be done by the child and should reflect his/her capabilities
  • the amount of time devoted to homework and the amount of homework given, should be appropriate for the grade level of your child
  • homework should be handed in neatly
  • teachers have the right to encourage scholars to complete homework that reflects the high standard and cognitive rigor that we expect from our scholars
  • if your child misses a homework assignment due to absence or any other reason, it is the responsibility of the parent/child to make sure that the homework assignment is made up within 48 hours
  • Assignments are provided on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.



School Food


testing dates



Call 1-212-777-3380 = Dial A Teacher

Dial- A-Teacher is a great resource. They are open from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm for homework help. The phone calls are answered by actual Certified NYC teachers who will record your phone number and call YOU back! There is NO EXCUSE for not doing homework.


Scholars are late at 8:21 AM period. No excuses, No exceptions When your child is late, it poses a hardship on the teacher, the class and your child. Prepare your child(ren) for the rigors of college and career by being on time.