
General Information

School Year 2023-2024




In keeping with the New York City Department of Education Citywide Standards of Discipline, the use of cell phones, beepers or other electronic communication/entertainment devices is prohibited during school hours. Therefore, although scholars are permitted to bring cell phones to school—they cannot be used during school hours to communicate, post, take photos, record anyone, or to display images.

If your child must carry a cell phone, it must be turned off and put away during the school day. PS 48 will not be responsible for the loss or damage of such items that are brought to school. If it is seen being used it will be taken away until dismissal. 

Scholars are not to bring weapons of any kind to the school building. We ask that you periodically check your child’s bookbag for inappropriate items such as toys and/or items that might distract them or cause harm in any way.


PS 48 is also committed to maintaining a respectful and courteous environment in which scholars and staff are expected to demonstrate those daily behaviors that are part of any respectful community. Scholars will be expected to demonstrate them each day. These social skills are an important factor not only in creating the type of school environment we desire, but are an essential part of every scholar’s growth into young adulthood.

PS 48 is a Bully Free School and will not tolerate bullying of any kind. Allegations of excessive force, unwanted physical contact, bodily harm, taunting or otherwise that are investigated and substantiated will be dealt with accordingly based on the Chancellor’s Regulations.


PS 48 is also committed to maintaining a respectful and courteous environment in which parents expected to be an integral part of our learning community. Parents who are interested in volunteer opportunities should see Mrr Wilkerson. Parents/Guardians are expected to:

  • Demonstrate appropriate behaviors at all times 
  • Adhere to school protocols and rules while in the school builidng 
  • Provide administrators with contact information in case of emergency 
  • Remain in designated areas of work as outlined by Administrators. 

*For the safety of ALL scholars no parent volunteers will be asked to work in classrooms with scholars. Teachers have the right to work in an environment that works best for them and the schlolars we proudly serve.


In as much as we recognize and acknowledge excellence in our scholars, there are those occasions in which we must take disciplinary action. We believe in progressive discipline. Examples of Progressive Discipline as defined by the New York City Department of Education Citywide Standards of Discipline and Intervention Measures: Discipline Code and Bill of Scholar Rights and Responsibilities, K-12 would be:

Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

  • Reminders • Scholar/teacher conferences 
  • Loss of privileges/exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess, or communal lunchtime
  • Phone calls to parents/guardians 
  • Conferences with parents/guardians 
  • Removal from classroom


  • Principal’s Suspension
  • Superintendent’s Suspensions.

During a suspension, the scholar will be removed from class or school, and will be sent to the SAVE room or another designated school location, following which the scholar’s parent or guardian will need to attend a meeting with the Principal or a hearing (for Superintendent’s Suspensions) prior to the scholar returning to his/her class.

I. Principal’s Suspension

The scholar is removed from class and must remain in the SAVE room for the duration of the suspension. The parent or guardian must meet with the Principal before the scholar is able to return to class. A Principal’s suspension remains on a scholar’s record until such time that the scholar graduates or leaves the NYC Department of Education.

II. Superintendent’s Suspension 

The scholar is removed from school and placed at another designated school location. The parent or guardian must attend a hearing before the scholar is able to return to school.

*See 2018-2019 Citywide Standards of Intervention and Discipline Measures for additional information which will be distributed during the month of November. You can also access the information using the link below

How to File A Parent Concern

At PS 48 we are very interested in your concerns. Therefore, a protocol has been put in place to address all of your issues.

  1. First you should pick up a Parent Concern Form from the Main Office or from the Parent Coordinator in room 116.
  2. Fill out the form in detail. Your child’s information and the issue that you are concerned about should be outlined.
  3. If you are unable to come into the school, you can call 718 558 6700 and ask for extension 1189. You can relay your concern via telephone to our Parent Coordinator, Mr. Wilkerson a.k.a. Mr.“W”
  4. Don’t forget to include the date of the incident if one applies and how you would like to see the incident resolved.
  5. Bring your completed form to the anyone in the main office. Our Parent Coordinator will get back to you in 48 or less with a response or with an update.
  6. If the issue cannot be resolved by the Parent Coordinator, he/she will contact the needed parties to address the situation and communicate to the parent with 72 hours.
  7. All non-emergency parent concerns are seen by Principal Mitchell routinely and may be resolved by capable delegates in the building.


Upon entrance into the classroom, scholars in all grades should take their seats quietly and without interference and take out the books and supplies they will need for the class. Scholars should place all coats and book bags neatly in the closet when not in use. Scholars are also not allowed to have any food or drink in class. Every scholar is expected to actively participate in class work through participating in the discussion or activity, taking notes, and following the lesson. At all times, scholars are expected to have an outside reading/library book to read once they have completed the work assigned by the teacher.

During class, scholars should understand that there are certain necessary procedures that must be in place in order for effective learning to take place. These include:

  • Raising Hands. Scholars should know that if they would like to participate in class discussions, they should raise their hands to offer a question or comment. Scholars are never expected to call out of turn in any of their classes. Please note that we encourage scholars to debate, “argue” and defend their contentions using math rules, prior knowledge or text based evidence. The teacher will create the parameters to engage scholars in accountable talk.
  • Eating. Eating is permitted only in the cafeteria, unless there is a special event or its breakfast. In an effort to promote nutritional awareness, gum, candy, and soda are discouraged. We encourage all scholars to practice healthy eating habits for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
  • Gum Chewing. Gum chewing is not permitted in the building at any time. Scholars who repeatedly disregard this rule face more serious consequences or loss of privileges.
  • Bathroom Procedures. Bathrooms may be used only during bathroom breaks or with permission from a staff member. While in the bathrooms, scholars are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. 
  • Silent Sustained Reading. Scholars in grades 3-5 are required to have a book for silent sustained reading during morning arrival from 8:00- 8:15am. This reading will take place in the fourth floor auditorium each day and sets the tone for the instructional day.


In the event of poor weather conditions such as heavy snow, please listen to your local television or radio stations for relevant information regarding school cancellation. 



School Food


testing dates



Call 1-212-777-3380 = Dial A Teacher

Dial- A-Teacher is a great resource. They are open from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm for homework help. The phone calls are answered by actual Certified NYC teachers who will record your phone number and call YOU back! There is NO EXCUSE for not doing homework.


Scholars are late at 8:21 AM period. No excuses, No exceptions When your child is late, it poses a hardship on the teacher, the class and your child. Prepare your child(ren) for the rigors of college and career by being on time.